abdominal swelling after mastectomy

Its not just discomfort- as we all know how uncomfortable the tightness can be! I think paranoid hyperchondriac is a pretty good label for me right now! October 2003 #5. I have not had lymphedema per se, but twice now have experienced axillary web syndrome or cording and cannot express to you how important the exercises are. I too had 'mild' lymphedema.now I have hand and arm damage and it's not so mild. A 2018 observational study estimated that 20 to 30 percent of people who undergo breast surgery experience some type of chronic pain. @carr Hahaha. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. It amy require treatment with Dr. Pamela Pappas and another doctor agree. However, its important to be aware of the signs of a potential complication so that you can seek help. Since I cannot blame this on lack of exercise, constipation, cancer spread, etc., I guess I will be patient and wait for the medication to work itself out of my system to see if things improve! Any update? However, the surgeon got a little ambitious and created a lot of damage on my left side to remove the node. When can I resume my normal activities after a mastectomy? It is still early days for you after your operation, so you can expect it to still be slightly tender and swollen. But it doesnt worry me and although occasionally uncomfortable it doesnt hurt. New techniques attempt to reduce the amount of dead space created to help prevent seromas from forming. You should go to a certified lymphedema therapist, or CLT. Its also possible that you may be offered physical therapy during your recovery period. I had a modified radical mastectomy, chemo and radiation in 1996-1997. I don't suppose that this has helped you a lot but I hope it has maybe pointed you in a direction that will help you to find a way out yourself. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support, practical information, and answers. After you wake up from the anesthesia, you may notice that you have: Youll be given pain medication to help ease discomfort. And contact the incontinence nurse for help with retaining the control I have. One concern you may have is when you can go about daily activities, like household chores and running errands. Backward shoulder rolls. However, some breast cancer patients will be shocked to feel brief bouts of sharp pain in their breast months, even years later. I just wondered if any type of external support item could be worn, thinking some sort of part body stocking, or the fabric used for support tights etc. Also how can I tell if I have a seroma or just post surgical swelling. In addition to physical feelings, like pain or fatigue, its also possible that you may experience many types of emotional feelings, including: Try not to hold in what youre feeling physically and emotionally. When you talk about massage is it literally gentle massage with your fingers. Checklist for recovery after mastectomy. Use a thimble when sewing. Its also common to feel a bit nauseous from the anesthesia. Once the month-long class is completed, as patients we do those twice weekly at home and for me it takes about 30 minutes. Some individuals may develop chronic pain following a mastectomy. She did Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD). It's called MLD, or manual lymphatic drainage. Was told it would get better. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. I had sentinel lymph nodes taken then and later all nodes in R arm. I then researched seroma after abdominal surgery and I found its a fairly common side effect. All the best to you. She did Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD). Thanks! Sooo frustrating. Ask to see a lymphedema specialist for help. I found a certified lymphedema therapist and I will make an appointment. I have found the vibration on a cycle track is very good. 20002023 The Breast Cancer Site and GreaterGood. I wake up not as bloated then as the day goes on, whether I eat or not, the belly bloats. things that can help you while showering or bathing, including: items to help with surgical drains (if you have them), such as: a drain lanyard for the shower, which can help to keep surgical drains from dangling, a mastectomy drain apron or jacket, which has pockets designed to secure surgical drains, comfortable pants, such as yoga or lounge pants, shirts that fit loosely and that can button or zip in the front, something to keep you entertained in your hospital room, such as a book, magazine, or tablet. Pain relief within an hour. Please allow me to post it for you. I am just wondering what was the outcome for you? Eighteen ways to reduce bloating: This is a soft, lightweight breast form that can be worn inside your bra. All rights reserved. This is great info. I proactively insisted on a referral to a lymphedema therapist (who incidentally was awful I have since found a kind, caring, and helpful therapist. (I dont like regular lymphedema compression sleeves but I do like Solidea brand items, which my therapist recommended.) A coordinator will follow up to see if Mayo Clinic is right for you. I too have a distended abdomen since I had bilateral mastectomy in 2018 the swelling got aoarst this year and had a CT scan and US which is negative for cancer. I had left mastectomy and few lymph nodesleft side bloating/swelling4 months post op. Might be a bonkers idea but have you asked your medical team if anything external could assist (and be safe)? We mustnt just accept. I am so sorry you have gone through all of that without the doctors or nurses explaining the future possibilities. (2020). Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. Hopefully others will see this and be helped as well. There's no way to completely predict or prevent breast cancer. There is often variability between patients, but with Naproxen, one could expect to experience some @chamisa See my post below. They were wrong (and @trixie1313 ) I too have Kaiser and I wish my care had been as complete as yours.sigh. I did find this information which may be helpful to see if there are things in your day-to-day that you can add or modify to support reducing bloating. @almostoutofthewoods There are different lymphedema pads called "swell spots" that are quite helpful. Thanks! It may take time to regain that muscle strength. It's not caused by gas, which most of the suggestions are referring to. Other things to consider having on hand at home are: Its likely that youll need some help at home in the days and weeks after your mastectomy. My health carrier is Kaiser Permanente and prior to any surgeries, they have patients attend classes guided by physical therapists. Learn more. This can include how to care of your incision, which types of arm and shoulder exercises to do, and when you can resume your normal activities. Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322525. Hugs.. @charisa, cindylb (doctors are currently evaluating my mom for other causes, including ovarian cancer). for the first couple of days I could actually hear the fluid moving around, but this has stopped now. Thank you in advance for sharing your experience. No evidence of any liquid to drain out. Has the lymphedema subsided? Right after surgery, youre limited in your range of motion from the inflammation and tissue healing in your body. FYI @almostoutofthewoods. You have a foreign object inside your body, which may just want to reject that object. Lol It's done to reduce the risk of cancer in people with a high risk of developing breast, Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. This is great info. The problem is called standing cone with probably a seroma in it. (2018). I already use compression camisole and do the lymphatic drainage, but the belly is annoying. I have not had reconstruction yet and it has been a year. You will know if you develop a seroma. He said since things were disturbed during surgery it would take a little time to go down and just wear a good supporting bra which I have been doing but nothing has changed. Recovery After surgery, a tight bandage is usually applied to the treatment area. ", "I am a year out of a bilateral mastectomy with no reconstruction and seem to have". Thanks again for trying to help! Sorry for any confusion. The doctors kept telling me I wouldn't get lymphdema with just one node removed. Now it does! Interested in more discussions like this? All, I am 5 weeks post double MX and have the belly swelling you describe. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Can a Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Be Performed at the Same Time? After eight years in the system and with an excellent BCN I would always use her as my first port of call. This is great info. According to the American Cancer Society, most women can return to their normal activities in about 4 weeks. @carr For example, you might not be able to lift your arms above your head for a period of time during your recovery. My prophylactic, bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstructionwith implants, has developed severe swelling on left side. I was told it was a muscle bulge until I had a CT scan that showed it was a seroma by then it was well established and couldn't be drained so I needed a second operation to remove it. I started physical therapy 2 weeks ago and the physical therapist could tell right away that it was fluid. I had mastectomy and TRAM flat reconstruction on April 6, 2020. Those are your signs to call your doctor for further instructions. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. I bought them from Dick's Sporting Goods Store. I'm here because of the bloated stomach I noticed just today. My dx is Colon Cancer w/ liver mets - 8 tumors spread throughout liver so resection of liver not an option, nor is transplant. I am not fat just looks like a have a basketball under my shirt. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support, practical information, and answers. Its common to have pain or discomfort after a mastectomy. I had a CT scan yesterday. Mine has in ever since chemo so thought it was from that but other folks noticed it after anesthesia. Skin-Sparing Mastectomy: Reconstruction, Recovery, and More. I am now almost 72, retired, and I don't wear a bra with forms unless I dress up, so my body resembles a man with a big beer belly. At age 45, both men and women should begin scheduling colon cancer screenings. Your nurse or doctor can drain the fluid with a needle and syringe if the seroma is painful. How are you doing? I really hope you find it! Don't leave it to get better on its own as the longer the fluid is there the harder it seems to get rid of it. Stay vigilant. Owned and operated by CharityUSA.com, LLC. A coordinator will follow up to see if Mayo Clinic is right for you. Youll also be given a leaflet that has written and visual descriptions of these exercises. After researching this phenomenon online, I think that it must be due to the antibiotic I will finish today. I felt lucky about their cancer assessment, but I couldn't get the information or education for lymphedema I requested. The amount of stress on the intercostal nerves could be reduced with less invasive techniques such as the VATS technique. Belly Bloat after mastectomy? could it be fluid? You May ask why if it is common why it wasnt immediately diagnosed. I have read some great info though! Swelling, edema and ascites Swelling or edema is a build-up of fluid in the tissues. My seroma was only diagnosed after a scan. I bought them from Dick's Sporting Goods Store. I had bilateral mastectomy last week, November 3, 2021. From surgery to chemotherapy to radiation and for years later, many of those scars remain. Nguyen list some of the most important ones: Women should get cervical cancer screening starting at age 21 and should discuss breast cancer screening starting at age 40. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). Mastectomy lymphnodes 15 years ago. This occurs when the bowels do not move regularly, which can cause bloating and abdominal pain. It takes several weeks to recover from a mastectomy. Dr. David Earle answered General Surgery 32 years experience Variable: While everyone is different, the wounds and healin process should be about 90% complete in the 6-8 week timeframe. There's evanmarcus again appearing on the forum with slightly odd remarks.. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Resreach. I will call tomorrow! A coordinator will follow up to see if Mayo Clinic is right for you. The hospital and my surgeon said", "Thanks, @amandajro, but agree with @almostoutofthewoods this isnt gastrointestinal bloating which this article addresses. New research suggests that melatonin may help lower the risk of breast cancer, slow the growth of breast cancer, and help make breast cancer. Because of this, its unlikely that youll have to return to the hospital or a doctors office to have them removed. Below, well outline what you can generally expect, both in the hospital and after you return home. They suggest using an abdominal binder and more importantly going to a physical therapist trained in lymphatic massage. My doctor okayed me to have PT to work on the lymphedema. PS would physiotherapy help re strengthening other muscles, what to do/not to do etc? I also experienced a great deal of swelling. As a matter of fact, I have found two phlebotomists that will honor this. It's not", "I had surgery Feb. 27, 2019 and had abdominal swelling. I know they cut all of the muscles and nerves and they never recover completely. My seroma was only found after I had a full body scan when a primary was found in my second breast. How are you feeling after your mastectomy? Now lets explore when you may be able to restart certain activities after your mastectomy. All Rights Reserved. Swelling Because of the overall healing response of multiple surgical sites, swelling is normal and expected of the breasts and the abdomen after surgery. Hard to feel good about oneself when you look 8 months pregnant. For me, the BC nightmare never ends. Me too. Following bilateral Mx I had failed implants and was completely flat.My tummy appeared to be really fat,as wasn't balanced out. breast reconstruction during your mastectomy. I bought the 9" abdominal binder from the medical store called Aids for Recovery. I had a double mastectomy with no reconstruction about 3.5 years ago. A good tip would be to place commonly used items like clothes, toiletries, plates, and utensils within easy reach. @chamisa Swelling can take 4-8 weeks to completely resolve. Are these options things you've already tried or are doing? Dr. William explains how it happens and the difference between swelling and seroma with an actual patient case. Spivey TL, et al. I do not have it bad like some do. Goodbye surgeon. Surprised how many women are experiencing abdominal bloating. I had surgery Feb. 27, 2019 and had abdominal swelling. I have not had reconstruction yet and it has been a year. thanks for replying , it is a great idea and despite buying highly expensive support pants Ive found a swimming costume helps a lot - seems to even the load all out! It stimulates the main lymph drainage areas, in you tummy, back and groin. Its also possible for numbness to be persistent or chronic. I just googled abdominal lymphedema after breast cancer and yes, I'm sure that is what I have, and many others also have. Same response as with the other reply here I saw. The swell spots are sewn in a way for the lymph veins go move the lymphatics along. In some cases, the skin and tissue need to be augmented with a breast implant to achieve the desired breast size. No chemo or radiation. 1. I wear the abdominal binder during the day at work and the shorts if I'm relaxing around the house etc.. Your surgeon may prescribe a pain medication to take after you leave the hospital. If the mastectomy also took lymph nodes out of the armpit, the arm will always have a tendency to swell. I am due to have my seroma surgical removed on Tuesday 22 July. If you feel tightness across your incision or chest, start with smaller circles. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use linked below. The maximal effect i Dr. Susan Rhoads and another doctor agree. I know part of it is my posture and I am seeing a PT to pull my shoulders back and strengthen my core. I hear you. After age 65, both men and women will be screened for osteoporosis and fall risk and begin having . Most surgeons seem to feel that the area settles more quickly if it is left to absorb into the surrounding tissues naturally. When you do this, your care team and loved ones can help provide the support you need during your recovery. Mine was the result of abdominal reconstruction taken from my tummy and tunnelled up to my breast. I haven't been horrendously uncomfortable most of the time. Can Breast Cancer Be Detected in a Complete Blood Count (CBC)? I am huge, I have had four children and I didn't get this big in my abdominal area. I was discussing my request for lymphedema consideration when I went for blood work etc. (2020). I am a year out of a double mastectomy and seem to develop a lot of upper belly fat. Clearly the link you wanted to post is not spam. She had me purchase an abdominal binder which I wear only during the day. I bought the 9" abdominal binder from the medical store called Aids for Recovery. @sandyjr and others in this thread.. How". (2020). An abdominal CT was normal. Ugh. does it eventually go down? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322525 I am really glad you contacted your doctor right away. It took 4-6 months before I could comfortably do sit-ups without swelling or pain. It may also be difficult to sleep flat for a while. She did Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD). How long would naproxen take to work for me? Youll likely need to wait 3 to 4 weeks before resuming other types of exercise. Most people who have a mastectomy only need a short hospital say. If people got proper training, they would know about lymphedema and be able to give proper treatment. Youll have difficulty finding clothes, especially if you only have one breast. During this time, theyll evaluate your progress, discuss any additional treatments (if needed), and address any concerns you may have. This feeling is due to nerve damage that can happen during the surgery. Yes, it could be a possible seroma or hematoma. I do find that some of those things help, just to make sure that gas doesnt make a bad problem worse. I am getting bilateral mastectomy/breast reconstruction (after finding out I have a genetic mutation) next month and am scared to death about my hospital experience. Sigh. If this is the case, get instructions from your surgeon on how to care for your surgical drains at home. I wondered also if it is because of being on the AI killing off all estrogen if that was having an effect. Prior to your procedure, reach out to loved ones to ask if they can help you with things like: Put together a bag to bring with you to the hospital. which swelled occasionally but disapated in a day or 2. now i have had pouch swelling fo? 1) Observation and better selection of a bra-mastectomy shop is /dissection was not done (?) However, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. Hugs to all. Oooh! Not do vigorous, repetitive movements against resistance with the affected arm. May I ask if you had reconstruction after your mx? I have had CT scan, Xrays and blood tests and all are normal. She probably shouldn't experience any swelling if the skin has been placed down flat by the surgeon. Answer: 1-2 weeks. These are typically removed during a follow-up visit. Had breast op 4 weeks ago, and I've been putting the tummy bloat down to all the things already mentioned - painkillers, lack of movement, the fact that my boobs aren't blocking the view, etc etc. Your lymph nodes help filter out harmful substances. Here's what you. I have read some great info though! These include redness, pain, heat, increased swelling, or fever. I feel so relieved knowing what this is and how to take care of it. Go back to your doctor and ask for a scan that will show up fluid. The worst part of my story is thisthis past November I got cellulitis in my left hand and arm and went into sepsis. My surgeon advised against more ops as he felt It could cause more probs down the line He also said we are just seeing the true complications of TRAM surgery. Connection & Conversation: Open for the holidays. I find that trawling the Internet expeciallythe US sites can throw up some useful information but you do need to read it with care. Take your time, but dont ignore the muscles. What are the symptoms of complications after mastectomy? @kk57 has shared something she is doing that seems to be helping. Yes, on a rare occasion I have gas, but that isn't the problem, since it always stays the same even when I have gas and I take care of that problem. I take a stool softener because of the constipation that's a side-effect of the Detral LA I'm on. Abdominal swelling post-chemo clier Member Posts: 29 October 2009 edited March 2014 #1 So, I've just finished 6 months Folfox + Avastin, every other week. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support and answers. Your surgeon will talk with you about when this may be possible. As a retired RN the abdominal bloating made no sense at all. I am paying the price now and 'paying' includes pain, anxiety and huge bills from my hospital stay and follow ups (I'm just 62 now and so no medicare to soften the financial blow). I let the doctors convince me that I shouldn't worry about lymphedema and here I am fighting this battle while I'm also about to hear that I have hit the 5 year mark cancer free (a very good bit of news). I'm afraid that I've turned a bit psycho since my diagnosis and was fairly sure my bulge was either pancreatic or peritoneal cancer tumours. Right after surgery, you're limited in your range of motion from the inflammation and tissue healing in your body. However, it is important to remember that it is generally not harmful. Lung Cancer Surgery Recovery Time: How Long Does It Take? We spent extra time with our doctors asking questions to help us understand what we were getting into. I was in excellent physical shape when I underwent my hysterectomy (Not to brag, but I actually had a six-pack!). I did not know about this. I woke up from the first surgery with", "@carr That is great informationI'm going to check into belly binder. But, from a surgeon's point of view, your feeling about your belly isn't important. I hope I have give you some ideas. The content on this site is for informational purposes only. However, there are many ways you can set yourself up for an easier recovery. Sometimes the fluid can build up again after being drained. Sooooo frustrating. Another health carrier, Sutter, also offers classes and I found their lymphedema class was even more educational. If anyone has a rave review of someone who does MLD (manual lymphatic drainage) in Minneapolis, please share. About a month after the August surgery my belly became hard and bloated. That is great informationI'm going to check into belly binder. Is it all connected? The CT scan revealed nothing untoward, except that my abdominal wall is minus muscle that was used for boob reconstruction. Interested in more discussions like this? A low-grade fever that is under 100 degrees Fahrenheit is normal the day after surgery. She had me purchase an abdominal binder which I wear only during the day. Nor, do I hold a doctors degree to suggest what someone should do medically. Before you leave the hospital, youll be shown various arm and shoulder exercises to do during recovery. Ive created list of my top eight post-mastectomy issues to relay over to those who ask. Its lymphatic, not gastrointestinal. Wishing you the very best. However, its more swollen on one side and I am experiencing pain. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Resreach. Pain immediately after your mastectomy will make you feel like you were crushed by a ton of bricks. Instead have been doing core exercises and strength training from the Physical Therapy Dept at our facility. I do have mirrors in my house and my stomach never stuck out before. This was at a cancer center that was connected to a hospital that had a trauma center! Great news but now2 months out I still cant wear my clothes. During this time, hospital staff will monitor vital signs, like your heart rate and blood pressure. It's called MLD, or manual lymphatic drainage. "I had a double mastectomy with no reconstruction about 3.5 years ago. Does it go away? what could be wrong and what do i do? Any update? The amount of time taken varies from person to person, but usually this ranges between 4 and 8 weeks. After the surgery, gravity may cause the fluids . Thank you. If you feel sick to your stomach, let the staff know, so they can give you some antinausea medication. What are the side-effects they need to be aware of? Now I will insist on therapy for abdomen as well as arms. I have read some cases where bilateral mastectomy gets the lymphatic system out of balance. Because everyone experiences pain differently, the intensity and duration can vary between individuals. No swelling in my extremities. Hopefully the burping and passing gas is the beginning of your relief and your bowels will follow. This is particularly true with women who have had a mastectomy. It was frustrating. I am glad you are paying attention to your body. if you haven't had surgery,it may be a hernia.maybe ask for an ultrasound?Doesnt sound normal..hard to move forward after BC.. Might be worth discussing with hospital team and GP? I am large busted and the gravity pulls it down. Also, some elastic type shorts that come up to belly button and that have a wide elastic band for waist. I had a double mastectomy10 years ago. I have recently found recorded medical lectures on You Tube that I have found helpful. Weakness is a common side effect to mastectomy patients, especially to those who proceed with reconstructive surgery. I have only taken one pain pill since my surgery, and that was on the first day. Kaiser also offers their patients an "after breast surgery" training class by the physical therapy department whereupon one does a series of stretching, core, weight training (stretch bands and free weights), and then finishing with stretching exercises. Also given the line that "it just looks bigger because you have no breasts". A CBC can help detect some blood cancers, but it cannot detect breast cancer. Chronic pain after breast surgery: A prospective, observational study. Did you have your lymphedema evaluation? I have had that abdominal swelling as well. I had a mastectomy one year ago and now i am noticing swelling and pain in my arm. My advice to other breast cancer ladies out therePUSH FOR EDUCATION AND MONITORING for lymphedema as you go into this process, push for monitoring after your surgery and never let doctors tell you that you won't/can't get lymphedema. Thanks, I am going to email my consultants and see if they have recommendations for Physio- you are on it! 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